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Pros and Cons: A.M. and P.M Workouts

Pros and Cons: A.M. and P.M Workouts

People who work out regularly tend to fall into two very separate camps: those who hit the gym before sunrise, and those who don't dream of climbing onto a treadmill until sunset. Debate over whether early-morning workouts are better or more effective than evening...

Pros and Cons of Crossfit

Pros and Cons of Crossfit

Unless you've been living under a rock or on your couch with a bag of potato chips, you've probably heard of Crossfit. It's a fitness fad with a kick; an exercise program with a culture and community of all its own. Crossfit gyms stitch together an intense workout...

The Value of Yoga

The Value of Yoga

You probably have a friend who does yoga. Odds are, they've probably subjected you to hour-long rants on how wonderful the classes are and how great they feel after contorting themselves into a pretzel But you're not so sure. After all, isn't yoga just glorified...

Gym Membership Vs. Exercise Machine: Which Wins?

Gym Membership Vs. Exercise Machine: Which Wins?

By the end of February, your New Year's resolution to work out has well and truly faded into distant memory. At the beginning of the year, you were determined that this year was going to be the start of your fitness revolution; that you would evolve into the...

Low-Cost Fitness Hacks

Low-Cost Fitness Hacks

Let's face it - starting a fitness routine can be a serious financial drain. If you add up the cost of exercise classes, gym memberships, and fitness gear, you find yourself facing a serious monetary commitment. But regardless of what online ads and that one intense...

4 Strategies for Sticking With Your Fitness Resolutions

4 Strategies for Sticking With Your Fitness Resolutions

New Year's Eve has come and gone, and you can already feel your motivation to work out waning. Sure, you swore on your celebratory champagne that you'd work off that holiday weight and stick with your fitness goals this time, but you feel more than a little unenthused...

Tips for Setting Fitness Goals During the Holidays

Tips for Setting Fitness Goals During the Holidays

It happens every New Year's Eve without fail. Surrounded by a crowd of your friends, you hold your champagne high and announce that this year will be the year you kick off your fitness plan - for real, this time. In past years, you've either spent a couple short weeks...

5 Reasons to Start Exercising This Fall

5 Reasons to Start Exercising This Fall

Who doesn’t love fall? It’s the season of sweaters and cider; of changing leaves and Halloween. Autumn is the best season for enjoying an evening in with a book and a cup of warm cocoa – but it’s also the best season to get off of the couch and go for a run! Most people promise to begin their exercise regimens sometime after the ball drops on New Year’s, but I firmly believe that fall is the best time to build a lasting fitness program.

Blowing Off Steam: The Dangers of Running Angry

Blowing Off Steam: The Dangers of Running Angry

Who doesn’t have a bad day now and again? Maybe your boss decides to take a company loss out on you, or a family member decides to take your car out for an ill-advised spin and not tell you until they need to file an accident report. Sometimes, a promising day can turn into a trainwreck with no more than a bad conversation. The question is, how will you handle the added stress when it lands in your lap? Many people opt to turn to exercise as a way to burn off the anger and re-center themselves. However, this strategy may not be as helpful as it appears at the outset.