Low-Cost Fitness Hacks

Low-Cost Fitness Hacks

Let’s face it – starting a fitness routine can be a serious financial drain. If you add up the cost of exercise classes, gym memberships, and fitness gear, you find yourself facing a serious monetary commitment. But regardless of what online ads and that...
4 Strategies for Sticking With Your Fitness Resolutions

4 Strategies for Sticking With Your Fitness Resolutions

New Year’s Eve has come and gone, and you can already feel your motivation to work out waning. Sure, you swore on your celebratory champagne that you’d work off that holiday weight and stick with your fitness goals this time, but you feel more than a...
Get Fitbit: How Technology is Shaping the Fitness World

Get Fitbit: How Technology is Shaping the Fitness World

You stand at one end of a long, green football field and stare down the long stretch of grass. Focused, you stretch in a few quick motions, pausing for one last breath before you leap into motion. Your feet slam onto the turf as you sprint the hundred yards to the...