As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, more people are being asked to stay home and quarantine to keep themselves, and those around them, safe and healthy. While social distancing and isolating are certainly ways to stop the virus from spreading, many...
Everyone taking up weightlifting or other activities in the iron game with enthusiasm will seek to learn everything they can involving training. These enthusiasts are on the constant look-out for the ideal combination of exercise types, rep numbers, sets, training...
Newcomers to the gym might find the idea of using free weights to train as off-putting for several reasons that are all understandable. The general perception of free weights having an increased risk when compared to machine weights is one such reason. The area of the...
Health challenges have been quite popular as new fitness fads get created every day. The idea of a wellness challenge is to motivate individuals to incorporate healthy habits into their routine for a set amount of days. While results vary for everyone, these wellness...
Keeping your family and yourself healthy can seem challenging at times. It may be tempting to grab fast food on your way to the kids’ games or slack off on going to the gym, but you know that isn’t helping anyone. When you feel like giving up, consider a shift in...