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Should You Stretch Before or After a Workout?

Should You Stretch Before or After a Workout?

Sometimes, I arrive at my class 15 minutes early. This is because I arrive at my class early instead of waiting at the last minute to avoid getting the worst possible spot. While I usually foam roll before leaving my house, I arrive to class with a stiff and sore...
Preparing for Your First Half Marathon

Preparing for Your First Half Marathon

Getting in shape can be challenging, but training for a race can help you improve your health and start a new exercise routine. For instance, if you are a beginner runner, a half-marathon may seem like a daunting goal, but with the proper training and equipment, you...
Outdoor Fitness Activities

Outdoor Fitness Activities

It’s easy to forget that fitness is essential throughout the year, especially when we’re enjoying the beach and late-night barbecues. But there’s a simple fix that can help you keep moving. This weekend, take advantage of all the great workouts...
Fitness Trends of 2023

Fitness Trends of 2023

It’s hard to predict what will happen in the fitness industry in the future, especially when it comes to the New Year. There are so many changes that it takes a lot of work to keep track of what’s happening. For instance, while at-home spin may still be...
Five Common Exercises You’re Doing Wrong

Five Common Exercises You’re Doing Wrong

No matter the type of exercise you engage in, proper form is the most important part. If you don’t have proper form, you won’t see the results you’re expecting, and you’re putting yourself at risk for more injuries. Most people are breaking their form and not even...